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meryl streep ladies and gentlemen
These are just….too awesome for words.
I didn’t have time to draw srs bznz pictures for all the prompts, but I figured drawing oodles of doodles would be okay? (Everything’s in chronological order; I already did the devotion prompt so it’s not here :<)
This is the part where things get tl;dr ‘cause photo posts don’t have a read more option orz.
Protection:I have a headcanon that Bumi terrorizes all the people Iroh takes out for first dates just to see if they’re worthy (read: crazy) enough for him. Iroh thinks there are spies everywhere now.
Charming: I tried drawing them dapper but now they have this intense staring competition …
Doubt: Another headcanon that Fire Ferrets are very feral and very dangerous where Iroh comes from. Traumatizing childhood memories don’t just go away, Bolin.
If you read this entire thing, have an Iroh :D
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